This past weekend was interesting. On Friday, my friend Gabriel Anderson came over to my house around 11p. I got lifted, and we had so much fun laughing, dancing to Beyonce videos, and being our normal selves, also known as crazy. Its crazy how much Gabriel and I think alike. Gabriel wants to be famous just like me, successful, ridiculously wealthy, and have the most fun we could ever possibly have in a lifetime.
Gabriel ended up staying @ my house till' like 5 in the morning, that's how I got started with my blog. After he left I was still up for another two hours fantasising about my boyfriend. I got a boyfriend for Christmas, who gets boyfriends for x-mas? Ms Elle Fox. DUH! His name is Perez and he is amazing. Some relationships suck, and they are very unsatisfying. Not this one.
But before I get into my new relationship, you should probably get a low down on the old one. See, I was with my high school sweetheart for 5 years. Lets call him Jay Z, he favored him. I'm 21 . . .I know right. BUT, it didn't feel like a long time. When we first met I didn't like him half as much as he liked me. But Jay called me everyday and he kinda grew on me. He grew on me a lot until I really liked him. Liking grew to lust, and lust grew to our relationship. The first couple years were great because we fell in love. After he left for college, thats when things started to rott slowly.
We started to grow apart, and I felt like his feelings for me changed over time. He acted less attentive, we didn't go out much, never really celebrated our anniverseries, and he once told me Valentines day was pointless because ppl celebrate love for one another one day out of the year. I thought it was special for an entire day to be dedicated to love. But apparently we were already on different pages. I was always there for him no matter what. I didn't care about our differences, as bad things got I would have never let him go and I was willing to fight till the end.
Our arguments grew worse, and our love grew stronger because we still had good times. Trust me when I say there is a very thin line between love and hate.

This october Jay left me and I was heartbroken, he told me he couldn't love me the way I wanted to be loved. This is the same day I bought him a GUESS leather jacket for his stupid birthday. I wanted to see him that day and he chose to hang with his friend, my classmate, lets call him Dame Dash, he's a super producer. So he came to my house only to pick up the jackect, which was fucked up, didnt hug me, kiss me, nothing, and this was after I hadn't seen him for a month. Oh yea, I forgot to mention he moved to CT about 2-3 years ago and Harlem was his home for the weekends. Except with me I guess. N e way, I played crazy bitch and went up to his house to obtain the jacket I bought ( he didn't deserve it, and I was fed the fuck up). So I knock on the door and he's chilling with Dame watching movies n shit eating chinese food. I knocked and he ignored me. I waited on his car until they both came out and he speciafiacally told someone to tell me to get off of his car. Oh really mofo, wasn't I the one who bought you your first car?
I know long story. . . . so he calls me halfway to CT. Yea he used his friends car to avoid me waiting near his car. I was there for another 45 mins after he left, n I had no idea he was already on his way to CT. He told me He didn't know how to love me the way I wanted. I thought of it as a cheap cop out. Bascically saying he didn't WANT to love me, and make me happy. Cuz if he wanted to he would have like he'd done the last years. But it's his loss, I know truly no one in this world will ever love him the way I did, he also know this. N to this day I don't think he would lie about how much he knows I loved him.
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